Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Knick Knack Box

After realizing that I had just too much stuff (new and pre-loved) which could never fit into my new home, I decided to start The Knick Knack Box - a blog stop to browse and shop. So what is a Knick Knack really? There are many definitions of it,  though I like Merriam-Webster's definition best...


 noun \ˈnik-ˌnak\

Definition of KNICKKNACK

: a small trivial article usually intended for ornament

Variants of KNICKKNACK

knick·knack also nick·nack
At, I typed in Knick Knack and got these fab descriptions:

Main Entry:gewgaw
Part of Speech:noun
Synonyms:bagatelle, bauble, bibelot, conversation piece,curio, 
curiosity, gimcrack, gimmick, item, knick-knack, 
knickknack, memento, objet d'art, oddity,souvenir, 
toytrifle, trinketwhatnot

So, moving along, the gew gaw's, trinkets, whatnots, object d'art a.k.a Knick Knacks found in The Knick Knack Box (or KKB for short) is divided into three broad categories, namely the "Gloriously New", the "Pre-Loved and Will be Missed" and the "Crafted With Love".

I do hope you will enjoy browsing through my little blog stop/shop. Do stay for awhile, enjoy the views, drop by every other day or just donate to my "Project Love Nest" and "Project Happily Ever After" fund {More on this later!}. 

Do mail me at if you have any queries or if you just want to chat. Have an awesome possum day *smiles*

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